Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Daily News 3/27/12


I don't know if anyone has been following this, but this is very irritating. George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watchman, allegedly shot 16 year old Trayvon Martin. Martin had went to the store a few blocks up the street to get his little brother some candy. They have done nothing to try and keep Zimmerman put up for the crime he committed, but there is nothing he can do to cover up the fact that he killed an innocent young boy.

1 comment:

  1. This situation would be an example of divisive perspectives. You have the side of the teen who was killed, and you have the side of the shooter who feels he was justified. News has been reporting info as it becomes available, but I have noticed several articles written from a biased standpoint. As a reader, be careful to get the facts and not just the opinions, especially on such a heated topic.
