Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Daily News 5/15/12

A 40-year-old California man is accused of driving his Lexus through a cinder block wall and into a family's backyard swimming pool. The man, Modesto Cabral, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence on Sunday after the 5:25 a.m. one-vehicle crash. Ha! This my dear children, is a great example of why you do not drink and drive, because you will end up doing something moronic like this or possibly injuring yourself or another person.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Daily News 5/10/12


 Diane McNease, a high school student from the northern Michigan town of Ishpeming, had sweet idea when she saw a friend folding Starburst wrappers. "I was waiting for my event at a swim meet," she tells Shine, "and an exchange student from Ecuador was making them into bracelets." Eighteen thousand candies later, she fashioned the bodice of a homemade dress completely out of the colorful papers and wore it to the prom last Saturday night, May 5. Her date, Luke DeWitt, is one of her best friends from the swim team. How crafty. I mean that's really creative and the dress didn't look half bad. That would take forever though, she must of started at the beginning of the year. I bet she put a lot of thought and work into that dress.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Daily News 5/3/12


George Vujnovich, the intelligence agent who organized a World War II mission to rescue more than 500 U.S. bomber crew members shot down over Nazi-occupied Serbia, has died at his home in New York. He was 96. What a great end to a memorable life. To die in the own comfort of your home after succeeding so greatly at life.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Daily News 5/1/12

A Polish woman is facing three years in prison after she removed all of her ex-boyfriend's teeth during dental surgery just days after their breakup. Hahaha! People are so crazy now a days. And how stupid of him to go to his ex for problems involving his teeth. How could he possibly think that she wouldn't of messed with him in some way? It just surprises me how stupid some people can be and how others can so psychotic.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Daily News 4/26/12


When your toddler is clamoring to ride down the big-kid slide at the playground, most parents assume that the safest thing to do is put her on your lap and ride down with her. But orthopedists say that doing so puts small children at risk for broken legs -- and it happens far more frequently than you'd think. Parents may not notice when their child's shoe catches on the side of the slide for a second or two, but that, combined with the speed at which the parent and child are zipping down the slide, can create enough friction to break the child's shin bone (tibia). Honestly, what are you able to do anymore that is safe? It seems like anything fun, or safe that you try to do with your kids, it ends up being dangerous in some way.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Daily News 4/24/12


American daredevil Dean Potter on Sunday became the first person to walk barefoot on a rope across China's Enshi Grand Canyon -- and it's safe to assume that the two minutes it took to cross the 130-foot gap felt more like an eternity. Talk about going over the extreme! I'm just pretty sure I would have peed my pants or something because that's just frickin' deadly. I'm not afraid of heights or anything, but a tightrope across a canyon...that's just terrifying! I give kudos to the guy for attempting and succeeding at it.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Daily News 4/23/12


George Zimmerman walked out of a Florida jail shortly after midnight early Monday morning, free after posting a $150,000 bond. He was also fitted with a electronic monitoring device. During his two hour trial, Zimmerman got up to the stand and made this statement, "I wanted to say I am sorry for the loss of your son,". "I did not know how old he was. I thought he was a little bit younger than I am. I did not know if he was armed or not." I don't believe his act for one minute. He seems like a lying fool and should punished for the crime he purposefully committed.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Daily News 4/19/12


Authorities have determined that a body found near a Southern California lake is that of Brittany Dawn Killgore, a Marine's wife whose disappearance has led to the arrest of another woman on suspicion of murder. It says that the husband Cory Killgore, was deployed and soon after Brittany filed for divorce because of "irreconcilable differences". The woman that was arrested was held under suspicion because she stole a weapon. I think the husband may have knew and sent someone out to get her because I would be upset that she decided to file for divorce after he got deployed.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Daily News 4/10/12


Tarana Akbari, 11, no longer wears her best dress, which was drenched in her own blood and that of her relatives who were among 70 people who died around her at a religious festival on December 6 last year. Akbari still has nightmares about all the chaos and people dying around her. When she first saw the searing image she wondered: "How come I am alive. I can see all the dead bodies around me but only I survived."She spends her days playing with her sisters in the ramshackle house and in the dirt courtyard outside which leads to an alley where huddled young men openly inject heroin against crumbling mud walls.Behind those walls, the "Girl in the green dress" nurses her pain and her fears, now dressed in a plain, baggy, shalwar khameez hiding the scars from the day her life was torn apart.
How could someone do this to people? Killing another is just wrong, but killing dozens of people is cruel.

Daily News 3/26/12


Newt Gingrich was nipped on the finger by a penguin during a private tour of the famous St. Louis zoo on Friday before he spoke to the National Rifle Association convention, zoo officials confirmed on Monday. Honestly, nobody cares. Why does anyone care that he got bit by a penguin? This isn't even news worthy. I hate that the media decides to put some of the dumbest articles up.

Daily News 4/17/12


A 9-year-old boy arrived at school Monday with a grisly story: His mother and sister were dead at their home four blocks away. Soon after police found the bodies, along with a 4 year old, who was still alive, and a man that was knocked out. They have no suspects or leads, but they are doing some thorough investigating. i bet you it was the 9 year old. He probably killed his mother and sister while they were sleeping, his father probably heard, went to check it out and his son ambushed him.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Daily News 4/12/12


A newborn in Argentina was found very much alive in a morgue by her mother 12 hours after hospital staff had declared the baby dead. They went to the morgue to look at their daughter one last time, and they heard her give a little cry. All the doctors, nurses, obstetricians, etc. were astonished at the fact that she was alive because all of them had declared that she was stillborn. Now how does that work? How could they possibly miss a heartbeat? Maybe the heartbeat was so faint that it was unreadable, but jeez. Poor parents, I can only imagine the emotional roller coaster that they went on from thinking that their daughter was dead to finding her alive in a morgue.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Daily News 4/5/12


A federal judge sentenced five former police officers to years in prison for the deadly shootings on a New Orleans bridge in the chaotic days following Hurricane Katrina but not before lashing out at prosecutors for allowing others involved to serve lighter penalties for their crimes. The case that wrapped up Wednesday was the centerpiece of a Justice Department push to clean up New Orleans' police department that has long been tainted with corruption. Police gunned down 17-year-old James Brissette and 40-year-old Ronald Madison, who were both unarmed, and wounded four others on Sept. 4, 2005, less than a week after the storm devastated New Orleans. To cover it up, the officers planted a gun, fabricated witnesses and falsified reports. Defense attorneys have indicated they will appeal. How ridiculous. They had a bad shoot and decided to cover up their mistake instead of being real men and stepping up and admitting they messed up. I just want to punch some people in the face for being so messed up, and what's even more rediculous is that the people they shot were innocent. The nerve of some people today.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Daily News 3/29/12


Pakistani acid attack victim Fakhra Younus had endured more than three dozen surgeries over more than a decade to repair her severely damaged face and body when she finally decided life was no longer worth living.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Daily News 3/27/12


I don't know if anyone has been following this, but this is very irritating. George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watchman, allegedly shot 16 year old Trayvon Martin. Martin had went to the store a few blocks up the street to get his little brother some candy. They have done nothing to try and keep Zimmerman put up for the crime he committed, but there is nothing he can do to cover up the fact that he killed an innocent young boy.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Daily News 3/13/12


A spring break rave in a Houston mansion that was meant to emulate a movie turned deadly early Wednesday morning after several attendees fired guns, killing one person as police tried to break up the party.

Daily News 3/15/12

A recent youth soccer tournament in Poland involving young children had to be canceled after a group of wild fans all but set a gymnasium on fire. Now what kind of idiot parents would get so wasted, and at a children's soccer game at that, that they start behaving like children themselves and act so irresponsible that they set the gym on fire. How frickin' crazy is that. People these days.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Daily News 3/12/12


What a cute little lad, and might I say, very intelligent at that. He is only 2 and memorized an entire sonnet by Shakespeare! A lot of high schoolers can't even do that.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Daily News 3/6/12


A mother put herself over her children when a tornado was tearing there house apart. It made it to where a lot of debris feel on her legs, crushing them, and in the process, made it to where they needed to be amputated. Might I say, what and extraordinary mother. She cares so much that she would take her life before letting her children be injured, even that's how it should be. I idolize her so much.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Social Media

Social Media: Facebook
McKenzy Crump updated her status: Why is Facebook, and other forms of social media, so important to our society? Good question; it’s significant to us because we depend upon it a way to communicate with one another. There are many other important things about it too, including having your own freedom and being able to connect worldwide. Many good and bad things come from all forms of social media; there are some people like Brian Williams, TV news anchor for NBC Nightly News, that like to focus on mainly the bad, and other like Andie Wurster, a writer, that focus on both aspects. Not only do those two talk about Facebook in good/bad ways, other things, like The Social Network, the film show the genesis of Facebook. Also, there are sites, like Wikipedia, that comment about Facebook, The Social Network, and Mark Zuckerberg in general. They all orbit around the thought of social media and the influence it has on everything we do. It definitely has bad things about it like, our attention spans shortening and becoming less social, but it also has good things like people that are far away to keep in contact with.
First lets talk about what Williams and Wurster have to say. Williams thinks that we as a society are too dependent upon on technology to do everything for us and we are all about ourselves, and it shows when he says. “Americans have decided the most important person in their lives is…them, and our culture is now built upon that idea. It’s the User-Generated Generation.” and I have to completely agree with that because it’s very true. People now a days are very self-centered and conceited. We tend to be so full of ourselves that we don’t seem to care about others like we should, for instance, when online people tend to not care about other people’s feelings and hurt them by saying rude and offensive stuff. Now Wurster on the other hand, states the advantages, like how it’s a great way for every one to be connected from all over the world, how you can meet new people, rekindle a long distant relationship, and be invited to little get togethers. I can agree that it’s nice to be able to easily communicate with friends. She also states, “All this is not to say that there aren’t problems with the networks”, for instance: “repeated security breaches put users at risk of theft and spamming, verbal bashing, nudity, parties getting out of control, and a lot of advertising.” I really like how she ads both the advantages and disadvantages, because then it’s easier to get both sides of the story. She has valid points as to why it’s good, but it’s also bad, so she isn’t completely siding with it because even though she thinks it’s good, she knows that it still has it’s faults. Williams on the other hand, just states the negative, which he also has good points, like how we have many options, but I like Wurster’s opinions about Facebook more.
Not only does Williams and Wurster talk about social media, but The Social Network also portrays what they think about how the beginning of Facebook started, but ended up not getting many facts right and added their own personal twists to Mark Zuckerberg’s life. It was all fictional and played out for the audiences and their own entertainment. I will say it was a good movie though, and it also taught many lessons. It mainly focused on life and business lessons, but I’m just going to discuss the life lessons because I appreciate things taught about life more. Lesson number one: Follow your dreams, and that’s exactly what Zuckerberg did. He started pondering and then the ball kept rolling until it formed into something great, and then he started to build it. As it said in the movie, “Go for the 3,000 lb. marlin.” That’s all anybody even wants to do; is to make the thing they enjoy in your life into your career, and if you have the opportunity, you should always take it, and that’s what he did, he went for his dreams and created his thought into something real by taking the opportunity given to him. Lesson number two: A brilliant idea is just that… until you put it into action. Don’t let anyone else say that you copied them or stole their idea when you came up with it and then try to benefit from your success, that’s like saying, “Just because some makes a nice chair, doesn’t mean that they have to give their money to everyone that’s ever made a chair.” Don’t let the thought of someone else try to bring you down for the accomplishments you have made. Finally, lesson number three: Be focused, motivated, and confident in all of your work. Without having faith and self-determination in yourself, you won’t succeed or make it very far. You also need to stay true to yourself and not let others change you into something you don’t want to become, like when Mark’s attorney says, “You’re not an asshole Mark; you’re just trying so hard to be.” Zuckerberg never let anyone get in his way because he was hard working and very persistent.
Lastly, Wikipedia provides good background about how Facebook came to be, and especially how Mark Zuckerberg became the youngest billionaire in history. It first discussed how the movie, The Social Network, is a fictional side to the creating of Facebook for entertaining the audience. Mark Zuckerberg said that the only thing they really got right into the movie is his wardrobe, which I find extremely hilarious because they got the plot all wrong by saying how Facebook started because Zuckerberg was mad at a girl, but they managed to get all his shirts correct. He also states that he didn’t invent Facebook to get the girls or get revenge on his ex. He did it because he loves to build things. The last thing that he states about the movie is that he doesn’t want everyone to think that all he and his friends did was drink and have sex with coeds. He wants the people to know that all he ever did was coding in his room. Wikipedia also shows about how many awards the film won, and how well it was liked. The last thing that it talks about is the worth of Facebook and Zuckerberg. Facebook is estimated at a good $835 billion and Zuckerberg’s wealth is at $17.5 billion. Talk about the next Bill Gates!
All in all, I thought this was a great movie. I like Facebook, and I congratulate Zuckerberg on making a huge success on his dreams. It makes people really believe that an average Joe like him can make something huge of himself by doing what he loves to do. I think it’s great that he made Facebook, but I also want to go back to the days where computers weren’t so involved in our lives, and people would get off their lazy butts to enjoy a nice sunny day when it comes. My opinion about Facebook is I like it. I’m not going to lie to you, and I’m also on it every so often when I’m bored, but I’m not dependant upon it. I go out, enjoy life, hang out with my friends, go on walks, and play with my younger siblings, ect. I still enjoy life and live it to the fullest because I mean honestly, who wants to be attached to a computer screen all day and night? Nobody! My point is simple; you can spend your life living it up to its potential, or wasting hours and hours on end worrying about what and how everyone else is living their lives. It’s your choice; just make sure you choose the right one.