Thursday, April 26, 2012

Daily News 4/26/12

When your toddler is clamoring to ride down the big-kid slide at the playground, most parents assume that the safest thing to do is put her on your lap and ride down with her. But orthopedists say that doing so puts small children at risk for broken legs -- and it happens far more frequently than you'd think. Parents may not notice when their child's shoe catches on the side of the slide for a second or two, but that, combined with the speed at which the parent and child are zipping down the slide, can create enough friction to break the child's shin bone (tibia). Honestly, what are you able to do anymore that is safe? It seems like anything fun, or safe that you try to do with your kids, it ends up being dangerous in some way.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Daily News 4/24/12

American daredevil Dean Potter on Sunday became the first person to walk barefoot on a rope across China's Enshi Grand Canyon -- and it's safe to assume that the two minutes it took to cross the 130-foot gap felt more like an eternity. Talk about going over the extreme! I'm just pretty sure I would have peed my pants or something because that's just frickin' deadly. I'm not afraid of heights or anything, but a tightrope across a canyon...that's just terrifying! I give kudos to the guy for attempting and succeeding at it.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Daily News 4/23/12

George Zimmerman walked out of a Florida jail shortly after midnight early Monday morning, free after posting a $150,000 bond. He was also fitted with a electronic monitoring device. During his two hour trial, Zimmerman got up to the stand and made this statement, "I wanted to say I am sorry for the loss of your son,". "I did not know how old he was. I thought he was a little bit younger than I am. I did not know if he was armed or not." I don't believe his act for one minute. He seems like a lying fool and should punished for the crime he purposefully committed.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Daily News 4/19/12

Authorities have determined that a body found near a Southern California lake is that of Brittany Dawn Killgore, a Marine's wife whose disappearance has led to the arrest of another woman on suspicion of murder. It says that the husband Cory Killgore, was deployed and soon after Brittany filed for divorce because of "irreconcilable differences". The woman that was arrested was held under suspicion because she stole a weapon. I think the husband may have knew and sent someone out to get her because I would be upset that she decided to file for divorce after he got deployed.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Daily News 4/10/12

Tarana Akbari, 11, no longer wears her best dress, which was drenched in her own blood and that of her relatives who were among 70 people who died around her at a religious festival on December 6 last year. Akbari still has nightmares about all the chaos and people dying around her. When she first saw the searing image she wondered: "How come I am alive. I can see all the dead bodies around me but only I survived."She spends her days playing with her sisters in the ramshackle house and in the dirt courtyard outside which leads to an alley where huddled young men openly inject heroin against crumbling mud walls.Behind those walls, the "Girl in the green dress" nurses her pain and her fears, now dressed in a plain, baggy, shalwar khameez hiding the scars from the day her life was torn apart.
How could someone do this to people? Killing another is just wrong, but killing dozens of people is cruel.

Daily News 3/26/12

Newt Gingrich was nipped on the finger by a penguin during a private tour of the famous St. Louis zoo on Friday before he spoke to the National Rifle Association convention, zoo officials confirmed on Monday. Honestly, nobody cares. Why does anyone care that he got bit by a penguin? This isn't even news worthy. I hate that the media decides to put some of the dumbest articles up.

Daily News 4/17/12

A 9-year-old boy arrived at school Monday with a grisly story: His mother and sister were dead at their home four blocks away. Soon after police found the bodies, along with a 4 year old, who was still alive, and a man that was knocked out. They have no suspects or leads, but they are doing some thorough investigating. i bet you it was the 9 year old. He probably killed his mother and sister while they were sleeping, his father probably heard, went to check it out and his son ambushed him.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Daily News 4/12/12

A newborn in Argentina was found very much alive in a morgue by her mother 12 hours after hospital staff had declared the baby dead. They went to the morgue to look at their daughter one last time, and they heard her give a little cry. All the doctors, nurses, obstetricians, etc. were astonished at the fact that she was alive because all of them had declared that she was stillborn. Now how does that work? How could they possibly miss a heartbeat? Maybe the heartbeat was so faint that it was unreadable, but jeez. Poor parents, I can only imagine the emotional roller coaster that they went on from thinking that their daughter was dead to finding her alive in a morgue.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Daily News 4/5/12

A federal judge sentenced five former police officers to years in prison for the deadly shootings on a New Orleans bridge in the chaotic days following Hurricane Katrina but not before lashing out at prosecutors for allowing others involved to serve lighter penalties for their crimes. The case that wrapped up Wednesday was the centerpiece of a Justice Department push to clean up New Orleans' police department that has long been tainted with corruption. Police gunned down 17-year-old James Brissette and 40-year-old Ronald Madison, who were both unarmed, and wounded four others on Sept. 4, 2005, less than a week after the storm devastated New Orleans. To cover it up, the officers planted a gun, fabricated witnesses and falsified reports. Defense attorneys have indicated they will appeal. How ridiculous. They had a bad shoot and decided to cover up their mistake instead of being real men and stepping up and admitting they messed up. I just want to punch some people in the face for being so messed up, and what's even more rediculous is that the people they shot were innocent. The nerve of some people today.