Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Daily News 5/15/12

A 40-year-old California man is accused of driving his Lexus through a cinder block wall and into a family's backyard swimming pool. The man, Modesto Cabral, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence on Sunday after the 5:25 a.m. one-vehicle crash. Ha! This my dear children, is a great example of why you do not drink and drive, because you will end up doing something moronic like this or possibly injuring yourself or another person.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Daily News 5/10/12


 Diane McNease, a high school student from the northern Michigan town of Ishpeming, had sweet idea when she saw a friend folding Starburst wrappers. "I was waiting for my event at a swim meet," she tells Shine, "and an exchange student from Ecuador was making them into bracelets." Eighteen thousand candies later, she fashioned the bodice of a homemade dress completely out of the colorful papers and wore it to the prom last Saturday night, May 5. Her date, Luke DeWitt, is one of her best friends from the swim team. How crafty. I mean that's really creative and the dress didn't look half bad. That would take forever though, she must of started at the beginning of the year. I bet she put a lot of thought and work into that dress.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Daily News 5/3/12


George Vujnovich, the intelligence agent who organized a World War II mission to rescue more than 500 U.S. bomber crew members shot down over Nazi-occupied Serbia, has died at his home in New York. He was 96. What a great end to a memorable life. To die in the own comfort of your home after succeeding so greatly at life.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Daily News 5/1/12

A Polish woman is facing three years in prison after she removed all of her ex-boyfriend's teeth during dental surgery just days after their breakup. Hahaha! People are so crazy now a days. And how stupid of him to go to his ex for problems involving his teeth. How could he possibly think that she wouldn't of messed with him in some way? It just surprises me how stupid some people can be and how others can so psychotic.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Daily News 4/26/12


When your toddler is clamoring to ride down the big-kid slide at the playground, most parents assume that the safest thing to do is put her on your lap and ride down with her. But orthopedists say that doing so puts small children at risk for broken legs -- and it happens far more frequently than you'd think. Parents may not notice when their child's shoe catches on the side of the slide for a second or two, but that, combined with the speed at which the parent and child are zipping down the slide, can create enough friction to break the child's shin bone (tibia). Honestly, what are you able to do anymore that is safe? It seems like anything fun, or safe that you try to do with your kids, it ends up being dangerous in some way.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Daily News 4/24/12


American daredevil Dean Potter on Sunday became the first person to walk barefoot on a rope across China's Enshi Grand Canyon -- and it's safe to assume that the two minutes it took to cross the 130-foot gap felt more like an eternity. Talk about going over the extreme! I'm just pretty sure I would have peed my pants or something because that's just frickin' deadly. I'm not afraid of heights or anything, but a tightrope across a canyon...that's just terrifying! I give kudos to the guy for attempting and succeeding at it.